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I think someone has started an auction for work units. Have no clue why we are down. Speculation: 1) Oops I forgot the...
28th September 2016
Something like that.  In any case SetiBETA is up.  Either something is wrong with one of the machines or someone forgot to...
28th September 2016
Betreger wrote:"It's STILL down???!!! Want strange.  Beta is up.  Main is down.  Wonder if the mods all went on strike...
28th September 2016
David S wrote:I don't know any of those names (unless one is the Ozzie who doesn't care that he can't write coherently...
27th September 2016
Mike Hewson wrote:Sort of a good-news/bad-news. Hmmm, possibly a breach of the second stage He cryo system, but during...
27th September 2016