Es99 commented on Why do I bother?
Quote:Some one asked a question on the crunchers corner board and I answered.
Got a smart a$$ remark back from that...
9th September 2006
Es99 commented on Old Geezers Club
Quote:E's, I spent over 25 years hireing programmers and analysts, in that time I found out that I was very gender...
9th September 2006
Es99 commented on Old Geezers Club
Quote:Quote:I hadn't heard of Admiral Hopper before, my daughter Es99 probably has, as her degree is in astrophysics (...
8th September 2006
Es99 commented on Einstein Cafe....closed
Quote:Brake down of the female brain
You sure do have a way with the ladies, don't you Ray? :-/
7th September 2006
Es99 commented on Einstein Cafe....closed
Quote:Quote: Future is in deep shit."
I understand that BP has acquired methane production rights on the future.
30th August 2006
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