Every time I read, watch or listen to Carl Sagan I am filled with renewed hope for humanity and a deeper wonder about this universe. SETI@home is the scientific experiment that most excites the imagination of people worldwide. I am pleased to be allowed to participate in this scientific experiment SETI@home
My Profile Photograph (above or below ;))
that you see at the top of this Page:
My Dad, Mother, two(2) Brothers and Me :-) - Location: Jackson Bay, 150 Air Kilometers (by float plane) North of Vancouver, Canada. date: 1953
Earth Flag
Earth Flag
Earth Flag
Earth Flag
Carl Sagan wrote the following:
As the ancient myth makers knew,
we humans are children equally of the earth and the sky.In our tenure on this planet
we humans have accumulated dangerous evolutionary baggage,
propensities for aggression and ritual,
submission to leaders, hostility to outsiders,
all of which puts our survival in some doubt.
But we've also acquired compassion for others,
love for our children,
a desire to learn from history and experience
and a great soaring passionate intelligence,
the clear tools for our continued survival and prosperity.
Which aspects of our nature will prevail is uncertain,
particularly when our visions and prospects
are bound to one small part of the small planet Earth.
But up there in the Cosmos an inescapable perspective awaits.The World is my country
all of humanity ... My Brothers and Sisters
and to do good is my religion
we are one planet one world ... one speciesNational boundaries are not evident
when we view the Earth from space.
Fanatical ethnic or religious or national chauvinisms
are a little difficult to maintain
when we see our planet
as a fragile blue crescent fading to become
an inconspicuous point of light against
the bastion and citadel of the stars.There are not yet any obvious signs of extraterrestrial intelligence
and this makes us wonder whether civilizations like ours
always rush implacably, headlong, toward self-destruction.I think about this ...
our global civilization is clearly
on the edge of failure and
the most important task we humans faces is
preserving the lives and well-being of its citizens
and the future habitability of the planet.But if we're willing to live with the growing likelihood
of nuclear war
shouldn't we also been willing to explore vigorously
every possible means to prevent nuclear war.Shouldn't we consider in every nation
major changes in the traditional ways of doing things?
a fundamental restructuring of:
religious institutionsWe've reached a point where there
can be no more special interests
or special cases, nuclear arms
threaten every person on the Earth.Fundamental changes in society are
sometimes labelled impractical or
contrary to human nature,
as if nuclear war were practical
or as if there's only one human nature.But fundamental changes can clearly be made
we're surrounded by them.In the last two centuries
abject slavery which was with us for thousands
of years has almost entirely
been eliminated in a stirring
worldwide revolution.
Women, systematically mistreated
for millennia are gradually
gaining the political and
economic power traditionally denied themand some wars of aggression
have recently been stopped or curtailed
because of a revulsion
felt by the people in the aggressor nations.The old appeals
to racial, sexual, religious, chauvinism,
and to rabid nationalist fervor
are beginning not to work.A new consciousness is developing
on planet Earth which
sees the Earth as a single organism
and recognizes that an organism
at war with itself is doomed.History is full of people who out of fear
or ignorance or the lust for power
have destroyed treasures of immeasurable value
which truly belong to all of usWe must not let it happen again!
we know who speaks for the nations
but .............who speaks for the human species ?
who speaks for planet earth ?we speaks for Earth!
Our loyalties are to the species and the planet
Our obligation to survive and flourish
is owed not just to ourselves
but also to that Cosmos ancient
and vast from which we sprang.
Earth Flag
Earth Flag
Earth Flag
Earth Flag
My Profile Photograph (above)
that you see at the top of this Page
Location: Jackson Bay, 150 Air Kilometers (by float plane) North of Vancouver, Canada
date: 1953
I know I am supposed to write something about myself
but please forgive me
I would like to tell you about my father
My Dad was the most unselfish person I've ever know in my life
he was a gentle soul, an intellectual, a soft spoken person
and a man of a quiet temperament, courage and a kind spirit
he was a university professor
an underground miner, Logger, Farmer, aircraft designer
he road the rails looking for work
during the Great depression in Canada 1930 - 1939
the hungry thirties and a Great drought on the Canadian parries
it did not rain on the Canadian Parries from 1930 - 1939
so it was hard to farm and grow food
My Dad was a Graduate Civil Engineer
my father volunteered for the Canadian Army on September 10, 1939,
that was the same day that our Parliament of Canada declared war on Hitler 1939
My father was , the most , humane , tolerant ,
understanding compassionate , kind , gentle
and the most , sympathetic , selfless
human being I have ever known
or have ever read about
or have ever heard about
he was always , cheerful, good natured
and he always has a kind word for
every person he ever meet
he was open , honest , sincere and humble
My Dad was my best friend
I ever had,
and I miss my Dad so terribly much
his Humanity
his Passion for Life and for Living and his Eloquence
will live in my memory for ever,
until the day I take my last breath on this planet Earth
about me ?
me :) ........ my High School Graduation Photo
me :) ........ my High School Graduation Photo
Hello everyone , thank you very much
for visiting my profile :-)
nice to meet you :-)
my name is Byron
a young Man at heart
friendly , cheerful , Good Natured , and respectful , by nature
I feel that life is too short
to sweat the small stuff
Tolerance, friendship, Respect,
Peace and Kindness to all
Be cheerful
Strive to be happy
thanks for reading this
friendly and respectful
born in Canada
I am retired now and living in:
Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada , Located on the Pacific West Coast of Canada
My personal background
I am .... a _human _
me and my ancestors _
have been living
for ...... hmmm ...... 2 or 3 Billion years
on this tiny planet
we humans call .. Earth
... 2 or 3 Billion years ... ago
my ancestors ........
were .......
tiny .... one cell
plants .. and ..
one cell.. animals
My Interests
everything _ :-)
to __ think __ to read _ to Wonder
___Computers ___
camping in the Bush ___ star watching ,
Astronomy ___ physics , Science
Mathematics , Womens Rights
Human Rights , Peace on Earth.
... detect .. a gravity wave .. ?
would it not gladden the heart
of Albert Einstein .. ?
and help all of humanity ?
Camping out in the Wilderness
and to look up at ... a clear ... dark night Sky
a blaze with the light of the Milky Way and millions of Bright Stars
and to ... think and Wonder ... where did everthing come from ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
and last but not least - - - my intrests includes the Ladies - hi Girls ___ ;-) ___
Cosmos Promo - Carl Sagans Cosmos
One of my greatest joys , in my Life
is to be camping
out in the mountains , 400 miles from any lights ,
city or small town lights or any kind of lights ,
no Moon , Very Dark sky , laying on the ground ,
snug in my sleeping bag , my head comfortably resting on a pillow
and to look up at the dark night sky ,
a blaze with the light of the Milky Way and millions of Bright Stars .
and __ to __ think __ and Wonder
While the next _ WOW !! _ Signal ___ please click here _ for Explanation _ of the - WOW _ Signal _
may be a long time in coming ........ or
we could Receive the next WOW Signal in the next 5 Minuets
or even if it takes Generations of Humans ...... SETI@home is still worth while
The knowledge gained from any failure only contributes to successes
in science in the future. The human condition motivates us humans
to learn about everything and continue despite the overwhelming
odds until we humans finally succeed. Many of the things
we take for granted today , are the direct result of this human behavior.
Things like computers , light bulbs, telephones and airplanes
are among them
The only requirement is that we try.
The probability of success is difficult to estimate
but if we never try , the chance of success is , zero
I know I am supposed to write something about myself .......
but please forgive me ........
I would like to dedicate my user profile to my father and my Mother
my mother - Isabelle Jean Bailey
my father -- Leigh Hatch
were the best friends I ever had , in the whole world
I miss them so terrible much .......
their Love for each other
their Humanity and their Compassion
their Passion for Life and for Living and their Eloquence
will live on for ever in my memory
until the day .... I take my last breath on this planet Earth
the Carl Sagan Portal
Cosmos Promo - Carl Sagans Cosmos
some stars and planets in scale
about me ?
I know I am supposed to write something about myself .......
but please forgive me ........
I would like to dedicate my user profile to my dad [ my father ]
my father was the best friend I ever had , in the whole world
I miss him so terrible much .......
but he still lives in my memory .........
.......... and will until the day ..... I take my last breath on this planet Earth
my father was born on a farm near
Purdue , Saskatchewan , Canada
My Dad was a Graduate Civil Engineer
my father volenteered for the Canadian Army
in September of 1939 when Canada declaired war
on Hitler and the Axis powers of 1939
My father was kind , soft spoken ....
and my Dad alway made people feel good
about themselves ___ :-)
and Very Brave and Courageous Man ......
My Father .... had a Generosity of the spirit ...
My Dad .... was always helping people
... whenever someone needed help ....
my father was born on a farm near
Purdue , Saskatchewan , Canada
My father graduated from:
University of Saskatchewan in the city of Saskatoon
Province Saskatchewan , Canada
Graduated from University with Honors
99% average in all his University courses
my dad was a teacher, a professer of
Civil Engineering at
the University of Saskatchewan
in the city of Saskatoon , Canada
underground Miner
and started and built his own Family Logging Company
which he built up to 20 employees
Hatch Family Logging Company Company
on the Pacific West Coast of Canada
my great Mother was born on a farm , near
Melita , Ruperts ... Land __ Manitoba __ Canada __
in the year , 1853
Ruperts Land was latter sold to Canada
__ hmmm __ sometime between __ 1860 and 1870 ___ ? __ not sure
Ruperts Land , was larger then Europe and The British Isles combined
and became , Alberta , Saskatchewan , Manitoba , Yukon Territories
and the North West Territories __ Canada
if you would like to know about
Ruperts Land
then , please click the address/Link - below
my father was the best Friend I ever had
___ a good and decent Man ___
and my dad was generous to fault
___ or is generosity a fault ?
My Dad was my best friend
I miss My Dad so terribly much
but he still lives in my memory
these attributes , as I describe in my Dad [My father]
are the ones I admire most in a person [ human being ]
My father was , the most , humane , tolerant ,
understanding compassionate , kind , gentle
and the most , sympathetic , selfless
human being I have ever known
or have ever read about
or have ever heard about
he was always , cheerful, good natured
and he always has a kind word for
every person he ever meet
he was open , honest , sincere and humble
My Dad was my best friend
I ever had,
and I miss my Dad so terribly much
his Humanity
his Passion for Life and for Living and his Eloquence
will live in my memory for ever,
until the day ........ I take my last breath on this planet Earth
my father was born on a farm near
Purdue , Saskatchewan , Canada
in the year , 1910
my grand father was born on a farm , near
Oak Lake , Manitoba , Canada
in in the year , 1880
my great Grand Mother was born on a farm , near
Melita , Ruperts Land __ Manitoba __ Canada __
in the year , 1853
Tolerance, friendship, Respect, Peace and Kindness to all
Carl Sagan is my hero ,
may his Humanity , his Eloquence , and his Passion for , Science , Life
and --- the Search for Extra terrestrial Intelligence --- Live For Ever
The most powerful computing network ever assembled
is about to enter a new design phase.
Drawing on Vast unused idle times
of more than four and half million home computers,
SETI@home currently gets about 46.10 Tera Flops / sec
and has cost only -- approximately -- $500,000 so far,
compared to staggering $100 million ... plus
required for high-end supercomputing.
the next generation of the SETI backbone,
[b]called Boinc for:
Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network computing
is designed to make it easier
for other projects to generalize
this unique science architecture
Albert Einstein --- Wrote the following:
The human mind ... is not capable of grasping the Universe
We are like a little child entering a huge library
The walls are covered to the ceilings
with books in many different tongues
The child knows that someone
must have written these books
the Child does not know who or how
It does not understand the languages
in which they are written
But the child notes a definite plan
in the arrangement of the books
a mysterious order which it does not comprehend
but only dimly suspects
A human being is a part of a whole
called by us humans as the universe
a part limited in time and space
we humans experiences our selfs
our thoughts and feelings
as something separated from the rest...
a kind of optical delusion of our consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us humans
restricting us to
our personal desires and to affection
for a few persons nearest to us.
__ therefore ___
Our task ...... as humans ........
must be to free ourselves from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature
in its beauty.
Also I am a Gold Prospector.
I still to like to get out every summer
and climb
those Mountains in the Yukon _ Canada ___ :-)
I have prospected in the Yukon
N.W.T. , [ North west Territories ]
all these areas
are NORTH of 60 degrees Latitude
and south of 60 degrees Latitude
is British Columbia , Canada
I have prospected many parts of British Columbia
I love the __ bush __
Also My Great Grandfather Hatch was also gold prospector.
that is why I like SETI@hone , and prospecting
in both cases , ya gotta be an eternal optimist !
My Grandfather was Born on the Canadian -- prairies in , 1880 , and
he participated , along with thousand of other people , from all over the World ,
in The Great Klondike Gold Rush of 1898 , on the Klondike River
Yukon territories , Canada. ---- In 1898
My Grandfather , along With my great uncle Tom , Climbed over the
Chilkoot Pass , in the year of 1898
(elevation gain of over 600 meters (2,000 feet) in the middle
of the Canadian Winter , the Chilkoot Trail runs through Alaska
United States of America , to the Canadian -- Boarder , Yukon Territories , Canada.
The Canadian North-West Mounted Police
were waiting at the top of the Chilkoot Pass .
The Canadian North-West Mounted Police , were quickly called upon
to keep order among some of the roughest customers one could imagine!
They also had to enforce a hastily enacted law that every
person traveling to the Yukon Territories
had to carry at least a years provisions which amounted to 900 kg (2,000 lbs)
of supplies. If you did not have 900 kg (2,000 lbs) of supplies ,
you were not , permitted to enter Canada ,
and you were sent back to Alaska , U.S.A.
Only the hardy could expect to make the grueling trek !
The Chilkoot Pass is 53 kilometers (33 miles) in length and runs
between Dyea, Alaska , U.S.A. , 14 kilometers (9 miles)
east of Skagway, Alaska , U.S.A. .... to Bennett Lake in British Columbia Canada
then on to , the Klondike River in the Yukon territories , Canada , and the gold !!
all this took place in the year of 1898 !
To make a Long story short
My Grandfather and great uncle Tom found some gold
in The Great Klondike Gold Rush of 1898 , on the Klondike River , Yukon , in Canada
gold enough to Returned to the
Canadian prairies , Saskatoon , Province of Saskatchewan
and Buy a 160 acre wheat farm in , 1899
The World is my country all mankind are my brethren
and to do good is my religion Thomas Paine
The Age of Reason
- American Revolutionary - War -1774
when I , retire , I want to go back to the YUKON --- in , CANADA
and build a Log cabin
Look up at all the , BILLIONS of , stars
in the night sky , and think and wonder ................
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant,
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter;
for always
there will be greater and lesser persons
than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career,
however humble;
it is a real possession
in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let not this blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity
and disenchantment it is as perennial
as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams;
it is still a beautiful world
Be cheerful
Strive to be happy
Tolerance, friendship, Respect, Peace and Kindness to all
Be cheerful
Strive to be happy
thanks for reading this
friendly and respectful
My Grandfather , along With my great uncle Tom , Climbed over the
Chilkoot Pass , in the year of 1898
(elevation gain of over 600 meters (2,000 feet) in the middle
of the Canadian Winter , the Chilkoot Trail runs through Alaska
United States of America , to the Canadian -- Boarder , Yukon Territories , Canada.
this photo was taken by:
my father Leigh Hatch 1910-1980.
when he was seventeen years old.
and in his first year of University
at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
in the year 1927.
The location of the photo is:
the, Percival Edgar Hatch, Wheat farm, Purdue Saskatchewan Canada.
The date of the photo is 1927.
this photo was taken by:
my father Leigh Hatch 1910-1980.
when he was seventeen years old.
and in his first year of University
at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
in the year 1927.
The location of the photo is:
the, Percival Edgar Hatch, Wheat farm, Purdue Saskatchewan Canada.
The date of the photo is 1927.
the people in the Photo are:
My Grandfather: Percival Edgar hatch-(in the drivers seat of the tractor)- 1882-1933.
My Aunt: Eveleen Hatch, she was approx - five year old.
My Uncle: Charles H. Hatch, he was approx - fourteen year old.
My Uncle: Doug Hatch, he was approx - sixteen year old.
this photo was taken by:
my father Leigh Hatch 1910-1980.
when he was seventeen years old.
and in his first year of University
at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
in the year 1927.
The location of the photo is:
the, Percival Edgar Hatch, Wheat farm, Purdue Saskatchewan Canada.
The date of the photo is 1927.
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Great Science !
I wish all the success in the world
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