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RE: I actually enjoy the

Message 27172 in response to message 27171

I actually enjoy the aroma of a fine cigar, but then diesel fumes have never bothered me either. It's the foul stench of hypocrisy and erosion of freedom that smells far worse to me. I feel like I've just been pissed on, again. All this time I though it was your aftershave! Thanks for that one, Misfit...

I'm getting the idea that you are a smoker for some reason.

Physics is for gurls!

Chipper Q
Chipper Q
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RE: RE: I actually enjoy

Message 27173 in response to message 27172

I actually enjoy the aroma of a fine cigar, but then diesel fumes have never bothered me either. It's the foul stench of hypocrisy and erosion of freedom that smells far worse to me. I feel like I've just been pissed on, again. All this time I though it was your aftershave! Thanks for that one, Misfit...

I'm getting the idea that you are a smoker for some reason.

Technically yes, since conception, but mostly only the really dangerous 2nd-hand stuff; boggles my mind how smokers survive the original hardcore puff (or maybe it's just really bad 'science')... :)))

@ Misfit, no hard feelings! :)

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: or maybe it's just

Message 27174 in response to message 27173

or maybe it's just really bad 'science'

No, the bookies ( life insurance salesmen ) knew this long before anyone else! :-)
Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: RE: RE: I actually

Message 27175 in response to message 27173

I actually enjoy the aroma of a fine cigar, but then diesel fumes have never bothered me either. It's the foul stench of hypocrisy and erosion of freedom that smells far worse to me. I feel like I've just been pissed on, again. All this time I though it was your aftershave! Thanks for that one, Misfit...

I'm getting the idea that you are a smoker for some reason.

Technically yes, since conception, but mostly only the really dangerous 2nd-hand stuff; boggles my mind how smokers survive the original hardcore puff (or maybe it's just really bad 'science')... :)))

@ Misfit, no hard feelings! :)

I heard a rumor that if you smoke after sex it means you're doing it too fast.


Chipper Q
Chipper Q
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RE: RE: or maybe it's

Message 27176 in response to message 27174

or maybe it's just really bad 'science'

No, the bookies ( life insurance salesmen ) knew this long before anyone else! :-)

I'm not a geneticist, but it seems to me that a person with a genetic predisposition for some ailment will likely also have an affinity for chocolate. Your point is a good one, Mike, and well taken, but one person's bookie is another person's “correlationist�...

Chuck Reynolds
Chuck Reynolds
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Hmm, I thought the question

Hmm, I thought the question was sufficiently anal.

Perhaps I undershot the mark producing a too banal question.

Or, I mistakenly put a question mark at the end of a declarative sentence.

So I ask, with decreased brevity, do any of you wits know of Boinced computer farms wherein/whereon unusually great numbers (of actively crunching computers)
are collected? I am curious about such farms that would be maintained by a private individual as opposed to Boinced computer farms maintained by a National Laboratory, M.I.T., IBM itself or, say, the New York Life Insurance Company.

Just idle curiousity being not idle.

The last time I tried this the resultant discussion seemed somewhat confused or mostly off the mark.

I did enjoy the CPU as earthworm metaphor.

In order to focus responses I would consider "Don't Know Don't Care" somewhat inadequate while I would consider "34" a start.

Thirty four computers in a farm would seem somewhat odd though.

I guess I'm assuming folks would be working with sixteen or thirty two or even sixty four. Computers. In a farm. In the sense of a radio frequency antenna farm. Not Mast. But massed. Think of a power distribution transformer farm.

Oh god, what about dual cpu units, dual core units, quad core units, massively parallel quad core units.


Would/could be a factor here.

People will be mortgaging their sheds.

I haven't been specific enough.

Have I.


Ovaltine is a terrible choice for burning incense.

I prefer diesel fuel soaked cigars (aged in the warm, damp camel dung of hypocrisy) lit by the phosphorescense of the absurd.

That is all.

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RE: So I ask, with

Message 27178 in response to message 27177

So I ask, with decreased brevity, do any of you wits know of Boinced computer farms wherein/whereon unusually great numbers (of actively crunching computers)
are collected? I am curious about such farms that would be maintained by a private individual as opposed to Boinced computer farms maintained by a National Laboratory, M.I.T., IBM itself or, say, the New York Life Insurance Company.

You can peruse this page on top participants, but you'll have to decide which is private versus "corporate". And this is Einstein only.

Chuck Reynolds
Chuck Reynolds
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RE: RE: RE: The whole

Message 27179 in response to message 27161


The whole forum is poised with expectation as they await the answer..

..what will it be, and how will it shape our understanding as the universe as we know it? The air is heavy with possibility.

and here I thought it was the cigarette smoke from the Seti Cafe.

Maybe Chuck thought he posted in the Cruncher's Corner; and I was going to guess that the largest farm was Gumby's Underground Earthworm Farm, counting the volume under Gumby's backyard at 1.083 x 10^21 cubic meters...

Hmm, Gumby Farm, third rock from the sun. We live on planet Gumby. BTW, someone over-ased. The air is heavy with as.

Chuck Reynolds
Chuck Reynolds
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RE: RE: So I ask, with

Message 27180 in response to message 27178

So I ask, with decreased brevity, do any of you wits know of Boinced computer farms wherein/whereon unusually great numbers (of actively crunching computers)
are collected? I am curious about such farms that would be maintained by a private individual as opposed to Boinced computer farms maintained by a National Laboratory, M.I.T., IBM itself or, say, the New York Life Insurance Company.

You can peruse this page on top participants, but you'll have to decide which is private versus "corporate". And this is Einstein only.


A start!

A Start!

My kingdom for a start!

Chuck Reynolds
Chuck Reynolds
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Well, as a map point in my

Well, as a map point in my quest, using high total as a clue Mr. Bruce Allen comes in with a published total computers in his(?) farm --- 642. I suspect that doesn't include the massively parallel cluster of Kaypro 4's.

Perhaps Mr. Allen has networked all the computers in the art department as well.

In any case a preponderance of dual core opterons suggest the purchase of an 8 hour output of AMD's dual core Opteron line.

Now to extend my search beyond the first (and rather recognizable) name in the E@H top participants list.

Someone at Seti has 322.

Someone at Sztaki has 122

Hmmm, 256, 512, 1024, hmm.

A lot (one "l" + a space) have their computers hidden suggesting pending divorce actions.

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