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Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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RE: RE: BTW, Chipper,

Message 27242 in response to message 27240


BTW, Chipper, Bittersweet Symphony, an interesting melding of Bob Dylan meeting Gorecki's "Sorrowful Symphony."

@Es: I think you need more sleep, I don't think Ovalteen will do it.


It was a good post, I complimented you and Chipper on your taste in music. Made a remark on how some of Beethoven's later piano stuff bordered on jazz and suggested a short story by Arthur C. Clark on the ultimate melody.

I think you dreamt the whole thing...In fact...It's quite likely the past 9 months was all just a dream.

Chipper Q
Chipper Q
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RE: Es: I hope you can

Message 27243 in response to message 27241

Es: I hope you can recreate the post.

The bit about the ultimate melody sounded intriguing, so I googled it and got the gist of the story: a scientist named Gilbert Lister theorizes that popular songs are preferred because of their “impression on the mind� fitting in with the “fundamental electrical rhythms going on in the brain�. Lister analyses the popular songs and extracts the “ultimate melody�; but he of course listens to it, and is later found in a state of enraptured catatonia. Good one, Es.

Has anyone done a variation like this? --> A group of unscrupulous sponsors holds Lister hostage to coerce him to extract the ultimate melody and incorporate it into their jingle, so they can get everyone to buy their widgets. Unfortunately, the resources to make widgets are soon exhausted, and humanity destroys itself fighting over the few remaining widgets...

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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RE: RE: Es: I hope you

Message 27244 in response to message 27243

Es: I hope you can recreate the post.

The bit about the ultimate melody sounded intriguing, so I googled it and got the gist of the story: a scientist named Gilbert Lister theorizes that popular songs are preferred because of their “impression on the mind� fitting in with the “fundamental electrical rhythms going on in the brain�. Lister analyses the popular songs and extracts the “ultimate melody�; but he of course listens to it, and is later found in a state of enraptured catatonia. Good one, Es.

Has anyone done a variation like this? --> A group of unscrupulous sponsors holds Lister hostage to coerce him to extract the ultimate melody and incorporate it into their jingle, so they can get everyone to buy their widgets. Unfortunately, the resources to make widgets are soon exhausted, and humanity destroys itself fighting over the few remaining widgets...

Sounds like a good movie to it "The Ultimate Hook".

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Michael Roycraft just sent me

Michael Roycraft just sent me this treat, and you really have to check this guy out!
Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Mike~ Thanks for the link.

Mike~ Thanks for the link. Pretty amazing.

"We must be the change we wish to see."

Mahatma Gandhi

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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I've got to get my DSL back

I've got to get my DSL back up and running...I have a feeling i'm missing some cool stuff.

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RE: I've got to get my DSL

Message 27248 in response to message 27247

I've got to get my DSL back up and running...I have a feeling i'm missing some cool stuff.

We miss you too.

Physics is for gurls!

Chipper Q
Chipper Q
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RE: Michael Roycraft just

Message 27249 in response to message 27245

Michael Roycraft just sent me this treat, and you really have to check this guy out!
Cheers, Mike.

Not bad, thanks Mike (and Michael!). If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Bliss has gone a bit beyond simple juggling, and is actually practicing a version of Capoeira. At least, I have a similar exercise where I usually toss screwdrivers (having always respected anyone who can turn a wrench like a gunslinger spinning a pistol), and was told by a friend with some skills in other martial arts that it's more like Capoeira than Tai Chi. It feels mostly like a kind of dance, and practically any object works for tossing, as long as its CG is near the middle (e.g., hammers are a bit difficult, with all the mass near one end, but not impossible).

While the exercise can be done without music (dancing to the ambient, as I call it), it's vastly more enjoyable with a good beat. And while you might think that choreography would be the hardest part (did you notice how Chris employed shorter tosses during the part when the beat was really fast?), the timing works itself out if you don't force it; the easiest way to explain it is by pointing out that you don't have to wait for the object to land in your hand: you toss it (them) on a beat, and intercept it (them) anywhere during the trajectory, on a beat; looks a lot more like Tai Chi then, I think.

Aside from being an intense workout, it certainly helps with the hand-eye coordination and the reflexes. On a deeper level, over time, the two hemispheres in my brain developed greater cooperation with regard to controlling motor function; this was unsettling at times, elucidating some kind of innately dualistic hardware, but nevertheless resulted in improved ambidexterity. I was hoping it would improve things like analytic ability; while that may be the case, it hasn't done anything for my fallibility. :)

Speaking of fallibility, here's an obvious warning to anyone considering trying this at home: a hammer could crack a skull, a screwdriver could put an eye out. I started with pieces of scrap wood (roughly 12�x2�x3/4�). Even a cotton T-shirt, which can be quite dramatic when it billows open and pirouettes or somersaults, can snap back and catch you in the eye (which stings like the dickens).

@ Mike R.: I hope everything is okay, and here's to a speedy recovery if you're enduring another round of the chemo. Looking forward to seeing you posting again soon!

Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: @ Mike R.: I hope

Message 27250 in response to message 27249


@ Mike R.: I hope everything is okay, and here's to a speedy recovery if you're enduring another round of the chemo. Looking forward to seeing you posting again soon!

I hope that some of you took the time to check out the interview, too (access by clicking on the scrollbar on the vid pic). This guy has much more cooking than just a comedy/juggling act. His efforts on the part of the Bill of Rights (see his website) impress me even more than his extraordinary entertainment ability.

Chipper Q,

Thank you very kindly for expressing your concern for me. I continue to get chemo every week, but they are giving me a reprieve for the first week of June, so I get to go to Colorado to spend 10 days with my brother in and around Denver :-)

GOOD NEWS to All - As of last week's examination, we are gaining the upper hand over the cancer! The tumors (at least those in the liver, we haven't been able to assess those on the pancreas yet) have shrunken/died to the extent that the liver protrudes much less into the abdominal cavity. I'm not pretending that the war is won - the (bad) indicators in the bloodwork are still way above normal, but the new development has surely done nothing to lower my already-high hopes :-) this thing is WAY beatable, though, so it's good to see that all our positive thoughts, prayers, and wishes are bearing fruit and giving energy for further, renewed optimism.

Bless All,

Michael R.

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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RE: Closed Closed Closed !!!

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