A woman was going to a fancy dress party and was complaining to her husband that she had nothing to wear to the party. Husband forbid her to spend money on a new dress but urged her to use her imagination to come up with something she already had. When it was time to leave for the party she came downstairs wearing nothing but a pair of black gloves and shoes. Her husband asked what she was supposed to be. She said a five of spades.
Have you ever noticed that all the scientific instruments searching for intelligent life are pointing AWAY from Earth? Does that mean something we don't know?
A woman was going to a fancy
A woman was going to a fancy dress party and was complaining to her husband that she had nothing to wear to the party. Husband forbid her to spend money on a new dress but urged her to use her imagination to come up with something she already had. When it was time to leave for the party she came downstairs wearing nothing but a pair of black gloves and shoes. Her husband asked what she was supposed to be. She said a five of spades.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
I rarely tell dad jokes,
I rarely tell dad jokes,
but when I do,
he laughs.
Ideas are not fixed, nor should they be; we live in model-dependent reality.
cecht wrote: I rarely tell
Bulls Eye!
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
>>She said a five of
>>She said a five of spades.
I can just imagine.....
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Coffee in bed bounces me
Coffee in bed bounces me right out of the bed.
Especially if it is very hot or very cold.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
I made a huge to-do list for
I made a huge to-do list for tomorrow. Now if I can just figure out who's going to do it...
Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.
Why did the palindrome cross
Why did the palindrome cross the road?
To get a map a mate got.
Was it a cat I saw?
Have you ever noticed that
Have you ever noticed that all the scientific instruments searching for intelligent life are pointing AWAY from Earth? Does that mean something we don't know?
Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).