OK ..which one is you?
They seem to be touching knockers and prancing around.
The one in a white t shirt holding a beer.....
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice? You'd think they'd have got it right by now
Quote:OK ..which one is you? The one in a white t shirt holding a beer.....
Are you sure...you're not hiding your light under a bushel.... or your bells?
I vote for the bells.
I like the ale and the sticks. But it's the baloons that gets me!
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
I am still searching for the hidden meaning in the dance.
I was trying to figure out if the person with the big blonde hair was a gal or a guy?! Still not sure.
You're trying to search out the meaning in the dance!
We've been dancing it for the last 72 years and we still don't know!
I dance because it makes me feel good. the rest is meaningless
Red Atomic The older I get, the better I was.
OK ..which one is you?
OK ..which one is you?
RE: OK ..which one is
They seem to be touching knockers and prancing around.
RE: OK ..which one is
The one in a white t shirt holding a beer.....
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
RE: RE: OK ..which one is
Are you sure...you're not hiding your light under a bushel.... or your bells?
I vote for the bells.
I vote for the bells.
I like the ale and the
I like the ale and the sticks. But it's the baloons that gets me!
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
I am still searching for the
I am still searching for the hidden meaning in the dance.
RE: I am still searching
I was trying to figure out if the person with the big blonde hair was a gal or a guy?! Still not sure.
RE: I am still searching
You're trying to search out the meaning in the dance!
You're trying to search out the meaning in the dance!
We've been dancing it for the last 72 years and we still don't know!
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
I dance because it makes me
I dance because it makes me feel good.
the rest is meaningless
Red Atomic
The older I get, the better I was.