The link in my sig should take you to the home page of boincdenmark, which USED to be my teams home page, with our forum and stats pages. Like other teams, everything was organised as a loosely linked group of individuals.. The team had a captain, Kirsten. I simply wrote software. It was hosted by another team member. All was good until one day, it vanished. The guy hosting it left without warning, and took everything with him. It, now, seems to be a travelers guide to Holland. I am trying to get control of it back, the name at least, where I live now, I cannot host the site.
The contents of the site are relatively easy to replace. The home page was just text, (Danish or English), and pictures for new arrivals, with links to the good stuff. The forum was an "off the shelf" package, the list of registered members and posts will have gone of course. The stats stuff was stuff I'd built. From memory, I wrote it all in Perl, it was about 20 years ago. I can redo the functionality, but these days, I'd do it in PHP, with MySQL back ending.
Coincidently, I'm currently looking at doing a stats site for another teams website. I'm waiting for a current "little job" to complete - it is a "designed by commitee" with ever changing requirements monster though.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
adrianxw wrote: >>>
I hope it works, is it perhaps in the 'way back machine' archives?
The contents of the site are
The contents of the site are relatively easy to replace. The home page was just text, (Danish or English), and pictures for new arrivals, with links to the good stuff. The forum was an "off the shelf" package, the list of registered members and posts will have gone of course. The stats stuff was stuff I'd built. From memory, I wrote it all in Perl, it was about 20 years ago. I can redo the functionality, but these days, I'd do it in PHP, with MySQL back ending.
Coincidently, I'm currently looking at doing a stats site for another teams website. I'm waiting for a current "little job" to complete - it is a "designed by commitee" with ever changing requirements monster though.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.