Uncle Albert's Cafe and Ǽ-Theory Bistro

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We were just wondering if

We were just wondering if those reporters on CNN knew themselves what they were saying. During the chat they had amongst themselves on where Obama's family came from, we heard one of the women talk about "native Americans who migrated to the US" ... from where then? ;-)

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: We were just wondering

Message 66209 in response to message 66208

We were just wondering if those reporters on CNN knew themselves what they were saying. During the chat they had amongst themselves on where Obama's family came from, we heard one of the women talk about "native Americans who migrated to the US" ... from where then? ;-)

Yes, it's all rather hyped and gushy. A tad. The media could be a little less obvious in it's bias :-) :-)

Well, he's talked the talk, so now he has to walk the walk.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: RE: We were just

Message 66210 in response to message 66209

We were just wondering if those reporters on CNN knew themselves what they were saying. During the chat they had amongst themselves on where Obama's family came from, we heard one of the women talk about "native Americans who migrated to the US" ... from where then? ;-)

Yes, it's all rather hyped and gushy. A tad. The media could be a little less obvious in it's bias :-) :-)

Well, he's talked the talk, so now he has to walk the walk.

Cheers, Mike.

In North America you can pick your flavor of bias on US affairs, MSNBC left leaning, Fox News right Leaning, CNN Alternate Universe leaning :-)

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: In North America you

Message 66211 in response to message 66210

In North America you can pick your flavor of bias on US affairs, MSNBC left leaning, Fox News right Leaning, CNN Alternate Universe leaning :-)

At least they're not shy about it! I certainly wouldn't want Australia judged by the quality of it's media! What's more, they all appear to be oblivious to how ridiculous they seem to most of us. And they seem to think we're dumb enough not to spot spin. I guess if someone's doing the right, and someone else is doing the left, so that if you want to be different - it has to be perpendicular .... :-)

Having been recently to Vietnam ( a beautiful country with beautiful people, now 2 generations since war ) I look at our freedoms differently. Our tour guide summed it neatly ( paraphrased, but near verbatim ) -

'In Vietnam, politics simple. One party. If government say yes, we say yes. If government say no, we say no. Easy'.

I had to do a double take on this ( me a free-wheeling Aussie ), as it's so easy to misunderstand in the absence of personal experience or historical context. But I think they prefer their idea of internal unity to our sense of personal freedom. Unity comforts them in the way freedom does us.

I digress .... he has his work cut out.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: RE: In North America

Message 66212 in response to message 66211

In North America you can pick your flavor of bias on US affairs, MSNBC left leaning, Fox News right Leaning, CNN Alternate Universe leaning :-)

At least they're not shy about it! I certainly wouldn't want Australia judged by the quality of it's media! What's more, they all appear to be oblivious to how ridiculous they seem to most of us. And they seem to think we're dumb enough not to spot spin. I guess if someone's doing the right, and someone else is doing the left, so that if you want to be different - it has to be perpendicular .... :-)

Cheers, Mike.

What is really sad is that all three believe they are not biased... and they promote that.. really sad ;-(

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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RE: RE: RE: In North

Message 66213 in response to message 66212

In North America you can pick your flavor of bias on US affairs, MSNBC left leaning, Fox News right Leaning, CNN Alternate Universe leaning :-)

At least they're not shy about it! I certainly wouldn't want Australia judged by the quality of it's media! What's more, they all appear to be oblivious to how ridiculous they seem to most of us. And they seem to think we're dumb enough not to spot spin. I guess if someone's doing the right, and someone else is doing the left, so that if you want to be different - it has to be perpendicular .... :-)

Cheers, Mike.

What is really sad is that all three believe they are not biased... and they promote that by producing token programs of alternative views.... really sad ;-(

They should call it news entertainment
What heck the only thing I sort of trust is BBC World news and CBC News World but I am Biased:-)
Edit :(Anytime you say you like or hate something.. you are biased :-)

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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DownUnda we're pretty mean

DownUnda we're pretty mean spirited - a Tall Poppy shredder in every household - so we know that protestations of equanimity are part of the spin. Tokenism is rife. Probably more than anything they are speaking to their paymasters - the advertisers - to give the appearance that their money is well spent because people actually take the programming seriously. A commercial fiction to keep the ( free to air ) industry alive. [ Ratings used to be measured as an estimated percentage of total community households, but now generally given as straight fractions of those given the set-top box for the given survey period. This has hidden the dramatic reduction in their true audience size/reach/impact in recent decades. As a medico I see a tremendous cross section of the community, and I see no evidence of any reliance upon the 'mass media' for validation of truth. ]

I know there is a lot of criticism of young people and their computer habits, but I'm quite happy that my children ( so easily ) correspond country- and world- wide person to person with others via the Internet. Beats the TV box anytime - which could well get more use as a vehicle for the Wii Fit. :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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It's quiet here. I guess

It's quiet here. I guess everyone is mulling over Mike's last post.

There is a demonstration against the BBC today that I was thinking of going on. They've refused to allow a charity appeal to help rebuild Gaza. It's horrific what was done to those civilians over there. So many families, woman and children were killed and the infrastructure has been destroyed. If help is not given it's going to become an even worse humanitarian disaster.

Physics is for gurls!

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RE: It's quiet here. I

Message 66216 in response to message 66215


It's quiet here. I guess everyone is mulling over Mike's last post.

There is a demonstration against the BBC today that I was thinking of going on. They've refused to allow a charity appeal to help rebuild Gaza. It's horrific what was done to those civilians over there. So many families, woman and children were killed and the infrastructure has been destroyed. If help is not given it's going to become an even worse humanitarian disaster.

My heart go out to the people of Gaza.. I think It would be hard for the BBC to allow the charity appeal.. Internationally it might leave an impression that their is a bias in their objectivity.

George Mitchell has been appointed Mid East Envoy... Hopefully The US can now return to the position as the Honest Broker..

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: It's quiet here. I

Message 66217 in response to message 66215

It's quiet here. I guess everyone is mulling over Mike's last post.

I earnestly hope no one is put off participating on account of my ideas! Please converse on if that's the case, I don't have a special license on account of mod status. :-)

I just think there is a quiet but powerful shift occurring, with people ( youth especially ) employing the old fashioned type networks of trusted personal contacts. Remember the days when people used to write letters alot? Now we can do that at the drop of a hat, electronically, but the idea is the same. Broadcasting by news organisations is being auto-ignored in the same way we deal with, say, roadside billboards. It's becoming a sort of background static in our lives that we tune out.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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