Uncle Albert's Cafe and Ǽ-Theory Bistro

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Yo! Kath is UOTD!!

Yo! Kath is UOTD!! :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

John Clark
John Clark
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RE: Yo! Kath is UOTD!!

Message 66310 in response to message 66309


Yo! Kath is UOTD!! :-)

Cheers, Mike.

Congratulations to Kath, and thanks for pointing it out Mike

Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!

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Aye up..congrats Kathryn....

Aye up..congrats Kathryn....

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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Hail! Hail! Kathryn!...UOTD!

Hail! Hail! Kathryn!...UOTD!

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All hail Kathryn on her

All hail Kathryn on her UOTDness!!

Physics is for gurls!

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Congrats Kathryn!!!! And

Congrats Kathryn!!!!

And hello to everyone else! Busy week. We had a computer software upgrade for our dispatch system. Ugh, what a plesant joy that was. For the past 2 weeks still nothing but bugs. Kicking us out when it feels like. Can't even log on now cause our passwords expired, even though we were told we have a 30 day grace period. Oh well.

Got my new handheld Ham Radio 2 days ago. Having a blast learning all these new functions. This radio does so much more stuff than any other ones I've used, its hard to figure out. But I'm getting there. I at least figured out how to program memories in for the frequencies I use most.

Got a busy week next week, gotta take my little one back down to Sacramento California for her doctor appointment at the Shriners Hospital. This time its a bright and early conference involving a bunch of area orthopaedic doctors to look at her legs. She gets around real good, she just has some sort of syndrome similar to what I was born with. In a nutshell she has 1 leg that grows a little slower than the other, very very minor right now. And if she walks for extended periods of time she tires out and her knee's give out. Nothing that hurts, other than the falls, but what 3 year old doesn't fall? lol

We had a real good winter storm that hit us this past week. We went from 79% of average snowfall up to 87% with just 1 storm, so hopefully our water supply won't dry up. LOL

Anyhow, back to the funny farm, aka WORK!!!!!

John Clark
John Clark
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Good to see you there

Good to see you there Jeremy.

I hope the snow and trip for your little girl do not come together, and you are used to the madness (made worse by the IT).

Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!

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RE: Good to see you there

Message 66316 in response to message 66315


Good to see you there Jeremy.

I hope the snow and trip for your little girl do not come together, and you are used to the madness (made worse by the IT).

Thanks John. I'm hoping the snow don't fall next week either, but we shall see. :-)

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RE: Yo! Kath is UOTD!!

Message 66317 in response to message 66309


Yo! Kath is UOTD!! :-)

Cheers, Mike.

Thanks Mike and everyone else.

I was shocked when I got the email ;-)

Kathryn :o)

Einstein@Home Moderator

Sirius B
Sirius B
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RE: Hello there Sirius

Message 66318 in response to message 66308


Hello there Sirius B

I have seen you posting around S@H, but most of us seen to have moved to Cafe Milkyway, here.

Yes, the loss of Jonathan Lockton's Cafe@Home is a mystery. As the address is about 8 miles from me, and 35 from you, I tried ringing their number. It's always engaged. I wrote to Jonathan to see if we could get an answer. That was a week ago, but nothing yet.

Thanks John. Just posted over there. The Solar System is practically complete, just waiting for the last delivery which will be the power supply - It looks great.

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