Not much here Dan. Went out this morning with my dad and finished sighting in my rifle for antelope season. :-) We leave in about a week and a half. Getting all ready for that. Then the following weekend we are going camping with my best friend and his wife, and a few other friends. So its gonna be a fun 2 weeks. :-)
yo borg mon
yo borg mon
Son of a BIT!
I see Al and Jeremy!
I see Al and Jeremy!
What's shakin' peoples?
ima here
ima here
Son of a BIT!
Not much here Dan. Went out
Not much here Dan. Went out this morning with my dad and finished sighting in my rifle for antelope season. :-) We leave in about a week and a half. Getting all ready for that. Then the following weekend we are going camping with my best friend and his wife, and a few other friends. So its gonna be a fun 2 weeks. :-)
Good weather and BBQs all the
Good weather and BBQs all the 2 weeks for Jeremy
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
Hello to John...Jeremy and
Hello to John...Jeremy and Al...I just got through installing 11 Windows was exhausting.
Try watching paint dry for
Try watching paint dry for excitement.
RE: Try watching paint dry
Jord...It was almost that fun...You should try it.
Thanks John. :-) I hope it
Thanks John. :-) I hope it will be nice weather as well.