Write your own Einstein@home screensaver

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Actually I got that wrong :

Actually I got that wrong : if the preferences can't be found on the drive it defaults to 1024 by 768 ....

Seriously, who uses 800 by 600 anyway ? What a lame video card that would be if stretched by said request. Probably won't be a machine that would be BOINCing anyway.

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Actually I've just clocked it at ~ 25 frames per second. So pretty much OK. The lowest right piece of info on the HUD is CPU time. That's refreshed every 500 frames, so just divide 500 by whatever the gap b/w refreshes is. On my linux machine that is 20 to 22 seconds per 500 frame refreshes.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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I ran Linux 13A from my

I ran Linux 13A from my Desktop and it runs like 12 did from my desktop; no sudo prompt, no user or search info - just stub text, and lo-res HUD text. I changed my Project Pref graphics settings (good idea Holmis!) to my screen default of 1280 x 1024, but that didn't make any difference. Should I not be running 13A from the Desktop?

Edit: Okay, after a cup of coffee I ran 13A from /var/lib/boinc-client/projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu and all the HUD user and target info is there. Nice. But the text is still lo-res.


Ideas are not fixed, nor should they be; we live in model-dependent reality.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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TEST014 should be good to go

TEST014 should be good to go in linux, win32 and win64 versions of the Gamma variant. The fonts have been neatened up, the BOINC logo shrunk a little, the help HUD is now just above middle of screen. It is relative path also, hence launch from the E@H project directory for best results.

Now the other two variants - Gravity and Radio - will resemble Gamma closely, only differing in the middle left logo and maybe the appearance of the search marker ( when I get to it ). Plus I still need to fix the middle mouse wheel scroll FOV change .... anything else ? ;-)

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) FOV scroll fixed. I'll put that in the next test. I was giving a subroutine degrees instead of radian measure, LOL ... 

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Linux TEST04 looks spiffy! 

Linux TEST014 looks spiffy!  The Linux app has a bad link in your post, however.  (You have it as ....idi.au...., instead of ....id.au....)

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Tried the Win64Windows

Tried the Win64

Windows Vista - Didn't work. Windows Hang-up, ended the process.

Windows 7 - Window Hung-up, ended the process.





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TEST014 works fine for me on

TEST014 works fine for me on Windows 10, tested both versions.

The fonts look much better now!

Feature request: Add thousand dividers to credit strings?
747 214 208
It's much easier to read when divided!

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Here we have TEST015 as the

Here we have TEST015 as the Linux, Win32 and Win64 versions of the Radio variant this time. The thousands are suitably separated, the FOV change with middle mouse wheel scroll is active and a new Arecibo Observatory logo is in place.

@Blue_Swifty : I have had a long look at the Windows versions and I think I've found and fixed some problems ( as usual, a pointer or two in doubt ). If you would be so kind as to test .... :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Test015 tested out good on my

Test015 tested out good on my system.
The thousands separators look good and helps with interpreting big numbers! :)

More as a note than anything else, the FOV change with the scroll wheel has a quirk that it doesn't go the whole range but a subset off it. If on uses the right mouse button to change the FOV then one gets another subset for the scroll wheel.

And the new logo looks nice! :)

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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There are two different

There are two different effects occurring here :

- while holding down the right mouse button and dragging one can shift the viewpoint closer in or further away.

- while scrolling the middle mouse button the angular width of the field of view may be widened or narrowed.

Both can tend to make the Earth look bigger or smaller but for different reasons.

As for thousands separators I've discovered that this is a cultural thing and different locales have different characters that do the separation, and for that matter it's not always groups of three digits. So in the international spirit that E@H has I'll try to get the code to pick up on what locale the host computer is operating with and render the digits accordingly. This is a whole sub-topic of C++ standards !

Cheers, Mike.


I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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I appreciate the explanation

I appreciate the explanation for the "quirk" I mentioned! :)

And for the separators I didn't mean to send you off into another rabbit hole ;)
But if you can find a way to cater for different cultures and locales then so much the better!

As always, I'm looking forward to the next version and what new features it will bring!

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