
Hidden in plain sight: E@H discovery of an elusive gamma-ray pulsar

August 05, 2015

We are glad to announce the discovery of a new gamma-ray pulsar hidden in plain sight in data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.
The object has been discovered by the computers of Connor Barry of Lafayette, Colorado, USA and Rich Johnson of Hayward, California, USA -- Congratulations!
The scientific paper has been published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. An open-access preprint version is found here.


First Einstein@Home Newsletter

March 13, 2015

Dear Einstein@Home volunteers,

February 19th was the tenth anniversary of the Einstein@Home launch. A lot has happened in the past decade, and thanks to your support, the project has become one of the largest distributed volunteer projects on the planet. Thank you for helping Einstein@Home to do great science!


Website performance problems resolved!

November 07, 2014

Hi everyone,

We resolved the performance issues of our main website. As it seems the performance now even surpasses that of the original setup - nice. There might be a few quirks left in terms of missing resources or broken (internal) links. Please let us know when you find any.

Thanks for your patience!
