
AEI Hannover servers up again

July 14, 2011

... actually running since 9:30 AM CEST. No signs of trouble (data loss etc.) on the server side so far.


Power outage in Hannover brought BRP servers down

July 14, 2011

Last night a power outage throughout Hannover brought down the AEI machines, including the Einstein@home servers that run the BRP (Binary Radio Pulsar) and FGRP (Fermi-LAT Gamma-Ray Pulsar) searches. We are working to bring the servers up again, but there will be no downloads, uploads, validation etc. for (hopefully only) another few hours.


Einstein@Home Discovers Fourth Radio Pulsar in Parkes Data

July 12, 2011

Einstein@Home has discovered a fourth new radio pulsar in data from the Parkes Multi Beam Pulsar Survey (PMPS)! Congratulations to James Drews (U. of Wisconsin - Madison, USA) and David 'Arax' Peters (Kiel, Germany).