
First Einstein@Home Discovery!

August 12, 2010

We are delighted to announce that Einstein@Home has made its first discovery: a radio pulsar, found in data from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.


Arecibo pulsar rediscovery count passes 200!

July 11, 2010

In its analysis of radio data from the Arecibo Observatory, Einstein@Home has now passed its 200th re-detection! The 116 different radio pulsars that have been re-detected include 8 milli-second pulsars. More details may be found on the radio pulsar rediscovery page.


Arecibo binary pulsar re-discoveries updated

June 15, 2010

The latest radio pulsar re-discoveries are available at the usual place. Our count is now at 172 detections of 105 different known radio pulsars, including 16 re-observations of 7 different milli-second pulsars. Thanks to our volunteers!