
The next update of our radio pulsar re-discoveries is available [url=]here[/url]

November 24, 2009

The next update of our radio pulsar re-discoveries is available here. So far we have made 36 detections of 23 different known radio pulsars.

The latest radio pulsar re-discoveries are available [url=]here[/url]

October 26, 2009

The latest radio pulsar re-discoveries are available here. Our count is now at 31 detections of 19 different known radio pulsars. Our latest detection J1939+2134 is the second fastest spinning known pulsar, rotating almost 700 times in a single second. This means it has completed more than 4000 rotations while you've been reading this news post!

The [url=](re-)discovery page[/url] has been updated to include the latest observations made by the search for binary pulsars in Arecibo radio data

September 21, 2009

The (re-)discovery page has been updated to include the latest observations made by the search for binary pulsars in Arecibo radio data. In total there are now 26 re-observations of 17 different radio pulsars.