The Einstein@Home project has started a new search for binary radio pulsars in data from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico
March 25, 2009
The Einstein@Home project has started a new search for binary radio pulsars in data from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. This will run in parallel with the existing search for gravitational waves from rapidly-spinning neutron stars. Please see this press release for more information. A German translation is also available.
Bored of the old Einstein@Home screensaver? Write your own! Our new BOINC graphics framework should make it a lot easier. Read more about and discuss it in [url=]this[/url] forum thread.
February 10, 2009
Bored of the old Einstein@Home screensaver? Write your own! Our new BOINC graphics framework should make it a lot easier. Read more about and discuss it in this forum thread.
The Einstein@Home S4 search results have been published in Physical Review D. The article may be [url=]downloaded[/url] free of charge
January 23, 2009
The Einstein@Home S4 search results have been published in Physical Review D. The article may be downloaded free of charge. Just push the Download button right above the author list at this URL.