app_info partialy explaind

paul milton
paul milton
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Topic 191416

allright, im gonna take a stab at this, others can give more detail and analasis. folks that are seeing the message to remove appinfo dont seem to know why. so im gonna give this a jab.

here it is, when you supply an app_info.xml file to "B.O.I.N.C." you are telling boinc that YOU will provide the app for the project in question to do the sciance. now heres the thing, when s4 stopd and s5 came up, the s4 app will NOT crunch s5 work. so basicly it comes down to this.

boinc to scheduler "hey, i need more work, GIMME!"
scheduler to boinc "what app are you running?"
boinc to schedular "s4"
schedular to boinc "sorry dude, no more s4 i got s5's now do you have an app that can run it"
boinc looks and sees an app info file. it reads the file and sees that the app provided can only do s4
boinc to schedular "nope, only s4"
schedulare to boinc "sorry, you need to get an s5 app"
boinc to human in charge "HEY DUDE! I NEED AN S5 APP WHERE IS IT?"

so you see. unless YOU provide the s5 app and edit the app info file accordingly that will keep happening. so heres what you should do.. turn off boinc. turn off the service if you installd it as such. go in to the boic folder and DELETE the app_info.xml file. start boinc back up. now when you start it back up it will do this..

pick up at this line..
schedular to boinc "sorry dude, no more s4 i got s5's now do you have an app that can run it"
boinc looks and sees the app info file is gone.
boinc to schedulare "nope, can ya give me one?"
schedulare to boinc "yup, here ya go"
boinc to schedulare "k got it, work?"
schedulare to boinc "yup here ya go"

now, if your allso running a calibrating cliant i suggest you turn OFF calibration for e@h and try to only get one wu. as the calibration factor will still be in play for atleast one wu. i know theres a way to fix that but i cant remember it :)

to those with antivirus apps. DONT PANIC! boinc was designd to keep the sciance app up to date and it uses hashing to do so. no worrys, you will see a new exe file and other files that go with it. i allso suggest you upgrade the boinc core since the boinc core dose NOT update itself. only the sciance apps.

if you dont have an app info file boinc keeps things all up to date on its own. appinfo was meant for folks that where going to be compileing there own sciance apps for projects that allow it. with the advent of certain types of optimized apps the appinfo was put in to the hands of folks that dont really understand its use.. no offence meant. i hope my "n00b" explanation helps out some folks to understand whats going on. others please add more detail and cratque(sic) as need'd :) thanks :)

seeing without seeing is something the blind learn to do, and seeing beyond vision can be a gift.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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app_info partialy explaind

Hey Paul, great job!! I enjoyed the interesting and humourous way that you phrased it :). I don't see anything that needs "nitpicking" :). The only people who would have app_info.xml files are those who have been participating in various "beta test" type situations so hopefully not too many will be affected.

I would add one comment to the effect that if you are using a version of BOINC earlier than 5.2.6 then you will see your client making credit claims based on the old benchmarks x time regime. Your results list in this case could show quite a variable claim - possibly quite a bit different from what is finally granted. You can safely ignore this as it doesn't affect what is granted at all. If you are using 5.2.6 or later (and that includes the popluar calibrating clients), any calibration in place will not even affect your claim and you will see equal claims and grants. So I don't think it really matters if you forget to turn calibration off :). However I would strongly urge people to consider upgrading to the latest BOINC if only to stop those results lists from attracting any "unwarranted" attention :).

Thanks again for making the effort to help people through this time of transition. Well done!!



paul milton
paul milton
Joined: 16 Sep 05
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thank you :) i know my

thank you :) i know my spelling isnt exactly great (legaly blind cant exactly see what the heck im typen :) ) figured some folks would like an explanation :)

the reason i mentiond turning off calibration is because with a large cache theres a potential to get to much work as was what i was going to experiance as in my case the cliant tholt i could do a 23 hour wu in 6 hours, i wish lol :)

and, wouldnt ya know it,, i forgot how to do quoteing -.- i phrased it that way to give a "laymens" way of seeing it.. not exactly 100% presise, but allmost :)

seeing without seeing is something the blind learn to do, and seeing beyond vision can be a gift.

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