in all the time ive been using boinc i have never once seen this message. i know its not E@H specific but i figured id post it here any way i just did a upgrade of boinc so ill just post the whole log..
8/22/2008 3:00:44 AM||Starting BOINC client version 6.2.18 for windows_intelx86
8/22/2008 3:00:44 AM||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
8/22/2008 3:00:44 AM||Libraries: libcurl/7.18.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3
8/22/2008 3:00:44 AM||Data directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BOINC
8/22/2008 3:00:44 AM||Running under account Owner
8/22/2008 3:00:45 AM|Einstein@Home|Found app_info.xml; using anonymous platform
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz [x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9]
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM||Processor features: fpu tsc sse sse2 mmx
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Home x86 Editon, Service Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM||Memory: 1014.98 MB physical, 2.39 GB virtual
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM||Disk: 106.75 GB total, 78.00 GB free
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM||Local time is UTC -4 hours
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM||No coprocessors
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM||Version change (5.10.45 -> 6.2.18)
8/22/2008 3:00:47 AM|Einstein@Home|URL:; Computer ID: 1062791; location: home; project prefs: default
8/22/2008 3:00:48 AM||General prefs: from Einstein@Home (last modified 08-Aug-2008 18:45:15)
8/22/2008 3:00:48 AM||Computer location: home
8/22/2008 3:00:48 AM||General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
8/22/2008 3:00:48 AM||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 507.49MB
8/22/2008 3:00:48 AM||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 913.48MB
8/22/2008 3:00:48 AM||Preferences limit disk usage to 4.66GB
8/22/2008 3:00:48 AM||Running CPU benchmarks
8/22/2008 3:01:02 AM||BOINC can't access Internet - check network connection or proxy configuration.
8/22/2008 3:05:49 AM||[error] CPU benchmarks timed out, using default values
8/22/2008 3:05:49 AM||[error] Benchmark: FP unexpectedly zero; ignoring
8/22/2008 3:05:49 AM||[error] Benchmark: int unexpectedly zero; ignoring
8/22/2008 3:05:49 AM||Benchmark results:
8/22/2008 3:05:49 AM|| Number of CPUs: 1
8/22/2008 3:05:49 AM|| 1075 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
8/22/2008 3:05:49 AM|| 1998 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
8/22/2008 3:06:14 AM|Einstein@Home|Restarting task h1_1192.80_S5R3__93_S5R3b_2 using einstein_S5R3 version 446
as for what caused it.. i believe it has to do with in my case atleast "mainserv.exe" as this for some reason max's out the cpu. im running apc powerchute version 2.0 apparantly a recent windows update is causing this issue and the latest version of powerchute fixes it, will see.
seeing without seeing is something the blind learn to do, and seeing beyond vision can be a gift.
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benchmarks timed out?
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and wouldnt ya know it? the
and wouldnt ya know it? the "upgrade that fixes this problem with apc powerchute" is for vista only >-0
seeing without seeing is something the blind learn to do, and seeing beyond vision can be a gift.