All tasks instantly fail.
64 Einstein@Home 08.10.2017 21:12:26 [error] MD5 check failed for JPLEPH.405
65 Einstein@Home 08.10.2017 21:12:26 [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got d6ce12bacd2a81a56423f5f238ba84eb
66 Einstein@Home 08.10.2017 21:12:26 [error] Checksum or signature error for JPLEPH.405
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You're not
You're not alone:
Same here. Glad to know it is
Same here. Glad to know it is not my problem.
Is anyone looking into
Is anyone looking into this?
There must be a way to disable MD5 checking. If we could do that then we could just copy a good version of JPLEPH.405 from another working PC or from the web and just replace it. The way it is now the error causes any version of JPLEPH.405 put in the directory to be replaced by another re-download bad version. If we could just stop the error by disabling the MD5 check it should be easy to just replace it.
Admittedly a proper fix would be far superior but at this point I just want to get back to crunching. :(
JugNut wrote:There must be a
There is a setting on (Advanced, at the bottom) called "Skip data verification for image files?"
Can this be what you want? I have not tried it since I don't have the issue.
Thanks LOGFORME I tried that
Thanks LOGFORME I tried that previously and it make no difference at all. I've fished through every option I could find in cc_config as well but none have shone any extra light on the situation. But thanks for the thought anyway.