I posted in "cruncher's corner" but haven't heard anything specific back, except for some general comments from bikeman. Figured this would be the right place.
My HD5670 1GB (stock) exits workunits after 30-60 seconds with "an error while deleting the color transform." (exit code 2019)
Collatz works fine, so I don't think that it's a GPU problem. I've tested with FurMark and Prime95 with no issues.
At first i downgraded from catalyst v12.4 to v11.12 as i couldn't get openCL to recognize the card under v12.4. v11.12 worked, but still threw errors. When I read that v12.1 works for APP i upgraded to that driver version. Again, more errors. For each upgrade/downgrade I did a driver wipe.
Computer 5393203/Draft-5
Dell Precision 390 / C2D6700(2.66GHz)
WinXP SP3 32bit / 4GB DDR2 ECC
Sapphire HD5670 1GB / Catalyst 12.1
-card is run at stock speed
-nothing else is running (currently no other projects)
here's a sample error output, it looks like "there was an error while deleting the color transform:"
There was an error while deleting the color transform. (0x7e3) - exit code 2019 (0x7e3)
Activated exception handling...
[11:22:04][3556][INFO ] Starting data processing...
[11:22:04][3556][INFO ] Using OpenCL platform provided by: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[11:22:04][3556][INFO ] Using OpenCL device "Redwood" by: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[11:22:05][3556][INFO ] Checkpoint file unavailable: status.cpt (No such file or directory).
------> Starting from scratch...
[11:22:05][3556][INFO ] Header contents:
------> Original WAPP file: ./p2030.20100902.G43.62-00.47.N.b4s0g0.00000_DM112.80
------> Sample time in microseconds: 65.4762
------> Observation time in seconds: 274.62705
------> Time stamp (MJD): 55442.037711691861
------> Number of samples/record: 0
------> Center freq in MHz: 1214.289551
------> Channel band in MHz: 0.33605957
------> Number of channels/record: 960
------> Nifs: 1
------> RA (J2000): 191254.517101
------> DEC (J2000): 91420.7707996
------> Galactic l: 0
------> Galactic b: 0
------> Name: G43.62-00.47.N
------> Lagformat: 0
------> Sum: 1
------> Level: 3
------> AZ at start: 0
------> ZA at start: 0
------> AST at start: 0
------> LST at start: 0
------> Project ID: --
------> Observers: --
------> File size (bytes): 0
------> Data size (bytes): 0
------> Number of samples: 4194304
------> Trial dispersion measure: 112.8 cm^-3 pc
------> Scale factor: 0.0065445
[11:22:07][3556][INFO ] Seed for random number generator is 1158627328.
[11:22:15][3556][INFO ] Derived global search parameters:
------> f_A probability = 0.08
------> single bin prob(P_noise > P_thr) = 1.32531e-008
------> thr1 = 18.139
------> thr2 = 21.241
------> thr4 = 26.2686
------> thr8 = 34.6478
------> thr16 = 48.9581
[11:22:22][3556][ERROR] Error during OpenCL kernel setup: HSFFB (error: -5)
[11:22:22][3556][ERROR] Demodulation failed (error: 2019)!
11:22:22 (3556): called boinc_finish
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Immediate error on ATI HD5670
I had the same problem on an HD 5830. Turned out it was BOINC version 7.0.28 that was causing it. Try uninstalling 7.0.28 and use 7.0.27 instead.
You can find it here. Second post from top. Good luck.
No dice. :( I tried
No dice.
I tried with BOINC 7.0.27, still using Catalyst 12.1 drivers.
Unfortunately I'll be leaving EinsteinGPU for a while, perhaps until the next official BOINC / Catalyst releases. Unless someone actually reads these forums and has a solution...
Collatz can use my GPU but I'd much rather be contributing to *real* science.
Sorry you couldn't get it to
Sorry you couldn't get it to work. Maybe the new 12.6 drivers will work.