Since the last Team Recruitment thread is so long (shewww, took forever to get to the end of it) I'm hoping I don't get to many flames for starting a new one now...but here's my pitch...not looking to start any stiff competition...just some friendly working together:
Glyphers Corner
Just wanted to send out a invite to all out there, just a small group right now, but hope that more will join, chatting via thread mails or inbox's if your interested...and any old thing that comes to mind...all are welcome, only ask that no flame or strutting LOL
Join up!
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New team Recruitment (3)
I just started running this
I just started running this program about 2 months ago and set up a team and team website. I have been interested in space and what may be out there since I was a little kid. I know it's a long shot, but if you are interested in joining a team please give mine a look. Team or no team, it doesn't matter because we are all looking for the same thing. I chose to start my own team to see if I could build a great one and I also like starting at the bottom and seeing what I can achieve
Why join a team? A Team is a group of like-minded people that have formed a group that does the scientific processing as a collective instead of just individuals. The Team will have an identity, usually a Web Site, and assist other members in making their systems productive, have discussion groups, etc. One of the key features is that as a group they stand a greater chance to play a role in the creation of statistics of processing that will make them stand out from the crowd. Besides it is more fun to be part of group and socialize with your friends.
Join here
Team Website here
Any Australians or fans of
Any Australians or fans of Down Under are invited to join the #1 Aussie team, BOINC@AUSTRALIA!
BOINC@Australia is the top Australian team, with a presence in virtually all BOINC projects. While our emphasis is on Australians living anywhere in the world (including Australia) and people with a connection to Australia, anyone is welcome to join us. Sign up!
Well done to everyone who
Well done to everyone who helped Team England get into the BOINC top 100
I joined SETI.USA and have
I joined SETI.USA and have had both of my home machines running non-stop. Next is to start installing it on my office machines. As I would love to donate money, but cannot afford to, I will do the next best thing and donate CPU time.
RE: New team Recruitment (3)
The US Navy team has a
The US Navy team has a 'Project of the Month". We ask all members of any Navy team in the BOINC system to crunch work units for the selected project. The project selected for November is Prime Grid.
If you can spare some of your computer power for the Prime Grid at home please sign up with the Prime Grid project and then sign on to the US Navy Prime Grid team. Every little bit can help us keep ahead of the U.S.Air Force team.
The Navy Team's Forum is at:Navy Team's Forum. How about joining the Navy Team's Forum and 'Vote for the next Project of the Month'.
Thank you,
Team England has decided to
Team England has decided to take part in one of the regular competitions at WCG –
Christmas Race 2008
A list of the ‘runners’ can be found here –
The race runs from 1st December through to midnight on the 24th December.
All team members are invited to take part – the more the merrier!
The team has the opportunity to improve both UK and World rankings on this worthwhile project. All it needs is a small contribution from everyone in the team – perhaps one or two WCG WUs each day while continuing to crunch your own projects. There is a thread in the Team Forum where you can follow progress or find out how to ‘tweak’ your project settings.
The WUs can take up to 8 hrs and the time for validation, strangely enough, is quicker than SETI even though WCG WUs ask for a quorum of 10 or more!
The US Navy team has a
The US Navy team has a 'Project of the Month". We ask all members of any Navy team in the BOINC system to crunch work units for the selected project. The project selected for December is Cosmology at home.
If you can spare some of your computer power for the Cosmology at home please sign up with the Cosmology project and then sign on to the US Navy Cosmology team. Every little bit can help us keep ahead of the U.S.Air Force team.
The Navy Team's Forum is at:Navy Team's Forum. How about joining the Navy Team's Forum and 'Vote for the next Project of the Month'.
Thank you,