Readable text in Screensavers !
On 1024x768 (and to a lesser degree 800x600), but also the 16:9 sceen aspect ratios used by HD diplays -- the sceensaver text has become unreadable because it is too small.
You might need to add an option for "Screen saver text size" supporting small (currently in use) medium and large.
The boundary condition is that the screesaver text can't collide with the rotating starfield.
There probably is an easy code fix for this -- that is to say the shared source code body should not be any more than 1000 lines.
You really need to open source your sceensaver, that is to say the non-science part of it.
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Readable text in Screensavers !
The screensaver actually slows down processing of the work units, so most of us just turn it off and use the power button on our monitor when we walk away.
RE: You really need to open
The screensaver / graphics application has been open source for roughly three years. Feel free to edit what ever you want.
RE: Readable text in
I run in 1900x1080, 16:9 full HD on a 23" LED monitor. No problemo reading the text.
RE: The screensaver
key words "most of us" that is, the power users that actually keep tab's on the forums. the average users however wants to install a pretty screen saver that just happens to do science in the background. if the goal is to get as many people to participate as possible, said pretty screen saver needs to be, well, pretty. and user friendly. while at the same time being economic when it comes to clock cycles.
the screen saver is the lure if you will. when i first started back before boinc on SETI one of the main reasons was the "neat screen saver" when i looked in to it deeper i quit using the screen saver. if i hadent see the "neat screen saver" (in a magazine at the time i believe) i never would have joined it, and thus more than likely wouldnt be here.
now that said, i do believe the dev's have their hands full working on the app's for the next run. i do believe mike was giving it a go there for a while, not sure where he got with that though.
seeing without seeing is something the blind learn to do, and seeing beyond vision can be a gift.
RE: RE: The screensaver
I started crunching for Seti in 1999 and did it because a friend told me about it, I too used the screen saver until I too figured out it was costing me clock cycles that could be used for crunching instead. As I said though 'most' people have learned that and end up turning it off so they can contribute more clock cycles to their favorite project(s). I do not deny that the 'pretty pictures' can be intriguing but they do waste crunching time, especially for those that also use a gpu to crunch with.
ps I see you too stopped crunching for Seti!